- Info
- Installation Instructions (5)
- Delivery
- Dim-Out light diffusing Cellular Fabric
- Cell size 25mm
- 100% Polyester
- Choice of operating system
- Choice of profile colour
- Top or Face fix brackets
- Cord or Handle operation depending on system selected
- Control lengths are determined by the Child Saftey Legislation (See Child Saftey Page)
- All blinds over 1000mm, the reinforced profile will be standard
- Blinds produced within an operating tolerance of +/- 3mm(width & drop)
- Manufacturing width deduction of 10mm is made on all recess fit blinds
Size Restrictions apply depending on system selected
For further information click the small pink question mark buttons next to each option
Note: Although no light will come through the fabric you will get light around the edges of the fabric
Decora 25mm Softcell Dim-Out Blind
Lexington Dim-Out Grey
Order Code
Softcell 25mm Dim-Out Fabrics create a calming ambiance gentally diffusing the incoming light.
The fabrics all have a white back with the colour on the room side.